Gardening is usually an enjoyable and a wonderful hobby, which lets you plan and water the plants. A beautifully designed garden is a source of relaxation and a great stress reliever. Gardening is a way of connecting with the nature to improve our environment so that we can grow fresh food in our backyard eliminating the requirement to buy vegetables which are usually injected with chemicals for preservation. Once a garden is properly established, it requires continuous maintenance to be existed as an asset. Maintenance involves watering the garden which consist of grass, plants, or trees capable of providing vegetables and fruits. This task is usually time consuming, and impractical with our busy life style while earning for a living. With automated lawn systems or sprinklers, the watering process can be automated which operates while responding to weather conditions.
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AnnonymousTalk to a smart home expert who can help you identify automation solutions perfectly suited to your needs.
LIVE E Z (Pvt) Ltd is a leading technology solutions provider of personalized automation enabling people to control any residential or commercial device, virtually. We stay ahead of technology while connecting people with devices to enhance the way of living through simplicity and convenience. Our mission is to deliver a smart and affordable way of controlling and automating lighting, music and video devices, security systems and energy in a single room or throughout the entire home. Our goal is to provide an excellent service to satisfy our customers and maintain long lasting relationships through exceptional performance. We inspire, educate and solve problems for our customers to make the most out of every day life moments.